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Ind-ia has emerged as a prime destination for medical tourists from around the globe. The services on offer range from executive health packages to complicated heart surgeries. Medical travelers come to India from Western nations to take advantage of the low cost of medical procedures, which are 40 to 80 percent lower in comparison to healthcare costs in their home countries. Medical tourists from Asia and Africa are attracted to India's superior quality in healthcare, accredited medical facilities, and Western-trained qualified medical personnel. .
The Healthcare System in India

The low cost of healthcare is not the only driving force of medical tourism in India. The level of healthcare service in the leading hospitals and medical centers are on par to what is being offered in US, UK and Germany hospitals and superior to most Asian countries. Patients from Western nations who opt for top notch accredited facilities will receive the same type of medical services in a manner that they are accustomed to, as doctors, nurses and other health professionals are trained and certified to Western standards and practices.

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